He embraced his weirdness, and it was nice. - Amy Zhang
It wasn't the aloneness that Liz minded. It was the silence. It echoed. - Amy Zhang
Liz Emerson held so much darkness within her that closing her eyes didn't make much a difference at all. - Amy Zhang
Newton's laws of physics can rarely be applied to the real world. There is more to life than cause and effect. Things just aren't that simple - Amy Zhang
We fall asleep to fairy tales, and the world rotates and revolves and time passes and we grow up and we understand that they are false. There are not heroes and princesses and villains. It's not that easy. - Amy Zhang
Out of the seven billion people sharing the planet with her, not one of them knew what was going through her head. Not one of them knew she was lost. Not one of them asked. - Amy Zhang